Daniel Dennett
(Endurbeint frá Daniel Clement Dennett)
Daniel Clement Dennett (f. 28. mars 1942 í Boston í Massachusetts, d. 19. apríl 2024) var bandarískur heimspekingur og kunnur trúleysingi. Dennett fékkst einkum við hugspeki, vísindaheimspeki og heimspeki líffræðinnar, einkum spurningar er varða þróunarkenninguna og vitvísindi. Hann var prófessor í heimspeki við Tufts University.
Daniel Clement Dennett | |
Persónulegar upplýsingar | |
Fæddur | 28. mars 1942 |
Svæði | Vestræn heimspeki |
Tímabil | Heimspeki 20. aldar, Heimspeki 21. aldar |
Skóli/hefð | Rökgreiningarheimspeki |
Helstu ritverk | The Mind's I; The Intentional Stance; Consciousness Explained; Darwin's Dangerous Idea |
Helstu kenningar | The Mind's I; The Intentional Stance; Consciousness Explained; Darwin's Dangerous Idea |
Helstu viðfangsefni | hugspeki, vísindaheimspeki, heimspeki líffræðinnar |
Helstu rit
breyta- Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology (MIT Press, 1981). ISBN 0-262-54037-1
- Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting (MIT Press, 1984). ISBN 0-262-04077-8
- The Mind's I ásamt Douglas Hofstadter (Bantam, 1985). ISBN 0-553-34584-2
- Content and Consciousness (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986). ISBN 0-7102-0846-4
- The Intentional Stance (MIT Press, 1989). ISBN 0-262-54053-3
- Consciousness Explained (Back Bay Books, 1992). ISBN 0-316-18066-1
- Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (Simon & Schuster, 1996). ISBN 0-684-82471-X
- Kinds of Minds: Towards an Understanding of Consciousness (Basic Books, 1997). ISBN 0-465-07351-4
- Brainchildren: Essays on Designing Minds (Representation and Mind) (MIT Press, 1998). ISBN 0-262-04166-9
- Freedom Evolves (Viking Press, 2003). ISBN 0-670-03186-0
- Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness (Bradford Books, 2005). ISBN 0-262-04225-8
- Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon (Penguin, 2006). ISBN 0-670-03472-X
breytaWikivitnun er með safn tilvitnana á síðunni Daniel Dennett.
- Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind: „Daniel Dennett“