William Morris
William Morris (24. mars 1834 – 3. október 1896) var breskur textílhönnuður, listamaður, rithöfundur og hugsjónamaður. Hann skrifaði og gaf út ljóð, skáldsögur og þýðingar á fornritum og miðaldatextum.

Morris lagði áherslu á varðveita umhverfi fyrir áhrifum af mengun frá iðnaði. Hann hafði mikinn áhuga á germönskum og norrænum fræðum og þýddi ásamt Eiríki Magnússyni margar Íslendingasögur yfir á ensku og endursagði í verkum sínum. Morris hitti Eirík Magnússon árið 1868 og Eiríkur kenndi honum íslensku. Morris gaf út Gunnlaugs sögu Ormstungu og Grettissögu út árið 1869 og Völsungasögu út árið 1870.
Morris samdi mikið af ævintýrasögum sem höfðu áhrif marga breska ævintýrasagnahöfunda eins og Tolkien, C.S. Lewis og James Joyce.

Morris lærði útsaum og þjálfaði konu sína og systur hennar í að sauma út verk sem hann hannaði.

Endurtekið mynstur kemur fyrst fyrir í veggfóðri frá Morris árið 1862 en það var ekki framleitt fyrr en 1864. Árið 1868 hannaði hann fyrstu mynstur sín sérstaklega fyrir efni.
Morris hannaði tvær leturgerðir sem byggðar voru á fyrirmyndum frá miðöldum.
Safnið William Morris Gallery í Walthamstow í England er helgað ævi og verkum og áhrifum Morris.
Útgefin verk
breytaÞýðingar á Íslendingasögum
breyta- Grettis Saga: The Story of Grettir the Strong with Eiríkr Magnússon (1869)
- The Saga of Gunnlaug the Worm-tongue and Rafn the Skald with Eiríkr Magnússon (1869)
- Völsung Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, with Certain Songs from the Elder Edda with Eiríkr Magnússon (1870) (from the Volsunga saga)
- Three Northern Love Stories, and Other Tales with Eiríkr Magnússon (1875)
- The Saga Library: Done into English out of the Icelandic with Eiríkr Magnússon, 6 vols (London: Quaritch, 1891-1905).
breytaGlerverk hönnuð af Morris og framleidd af fyrirtæki hans Morris & Co.
David's Charge to Solomon (1882), a stained-glass window by Edward Burne-Jones and William Morris in Trinity Church, Boston, Massachusetts.
Burne-Jones–designed and Morris & Co.-executed Nativity windows (1882), Trinity Church, Boston
Burne-Jones–designed and Morris & Co.-executed The Worship of the Shepherds window (1882), Trinity Church, Boston.
Detail from The Worship of the Shepherds window (1882).
Burne-Jones-designed and Morris & Co.-executed Saint Cecilia window at Second Presbyterian Church (Chicago, Illinois)
Efni frá Morris & Co.
Acanthus wallpaper, 1875
Snakeshead printed textile, 1876
"Peacock and Dragon" woven wool furnishing fabric, 1878
Design for Windrush printed textile, 1881–83
Detail of Woodpecker tapestry, 1885
The Vision of the Holy Grail tapestry, 1890
Acanthus embroidered panel, designed Morris, 1890
Strawberry Thief, furnishing fabric, designed Morris, 1883
Wallpaper - Hyacinth, pattern #480 - 1915-17
Wallpaper - Blackberry, pattern #388 - 1915-17
Detail of a watercolour design for the Little Flower carpet showing a portion of the central medallion, by William Morris
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, text and decoration by Morris with illustrations by Burne-Jones, 1870s
Panel of ceramic tiles designed by Morris and produced by William De Morgan, 1876
Kelmscott Press typefaces and colophon, 1897
William Morris, publisher
The Nature of Gothic by John Ruskin, printed by Kelmscott Press. First page of text, with typical ornamented border
Troilus and Criseyde, from the Kelmscott Chaucer. Illustration by Burne-Jones and decorations and typefaces by Morris
breyta- William Morris 150 ár.
- William Morris in Iceland (Guardian 27. mars 2010)
- Works by William Morris í Project Gutenberg.
- Works by William Morris í Internet Archive. Skannaðar bækur, margar myndskreyttar.
- Works by William Morris at The Online Books Page.
- Works by William Morris at sacred-texts.com, including full text of The Earthly Paradise.
- William Morris Index Entry at Poets' Corner
- The William Morris Internet Archive (marxists.org)
- Biography by J. W. Mackail (Dictionary of National Biography, 1901) Geymt 13 maí 2008 í Wayback Machine
- "William Morris", Stephen Gwynn in Macmillan's Magazine, Vol. LXXVIII, May to Oct., 1898, pp. 153–160
breyta- William Morris and his Circle Geymt 7 mars 2007 í Wayback Machine
- William Morris Stained Glass
- William Morris at Art Passions Geymt 12 mars 2007 í Wayback Machine
- William Morris - The Soul of Arts and Crafts
- The William Morris Gallery Geymt 22 ágúst 2006 í Wayback Machine (London Borough of Waltham Forest)
- The William Morris Society
- A Morris and De Morgan tile panel at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Geymt 8 júlí 2007 í Wayback Machine
- The Pre-Raph Pack Discover more about the artists, the techniques they used and a timeline spanning 100 years.
- William Morris online exhibition Geymt 3 febrúar 2012 í Wayback Machine at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin
- Examples of pages from the Kelmscott Chaucer