David "Dave "Attell (f. 18. janúar 1965) er bandarískur leikari og uppistandari.[1][2] Hann er þekktur fyrir uppistandsþáttinn Insomniac with Dave Attell á Comedy Central.[3]

Attell, 2009

Heimildir breyta

  1. Rose, Mike (18. janúar 2023). „Today's famous birthdays list for January 18, 2023 includes celebrities Kevin Costner, Dave Bautista“. Cleveland.com. Sótt 18. janúar 2023.
  2. Zinoman, Jason (20. mars 2019). „Dave Attell Is Our Greatest Club Comic (Says the Writer He Made Fun Of)“. The New York Times. Sótt 14. apríl 2020. „...Attell, 54...“
  3. „Insomniac with Dave Attell“. The New York Times.
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