Nokkur framlög til rannsókna og þróunarstarfa á Wikipedíu


Ég hef flutt erindi á þremur Wikimania ráðstefnum, Wikimania 2005 í Þýskalandi, Wikimania 2006 í Massachusett USA og Wikimania 2011 í Israel og verið með kynningu á menntaráðstefnu 2019 á Spáni. Auk þess hef ég kynnt Wikipedia þróunarverkefni mín á mörgum innlendum og erlendum ráðstefnum. Þetta eru starfendarannsóknir sem tengjast námsefnisgerð, samvinnuskrifum og kennaranámi og wikiskrifum sem námsreynslu fyrir kennaranema og þá sérstaklega samverkan ýmissa wikiverkefna (Commons, Wikimedia, Wikibooks)

Námsefni tengt Wikipedíu og Wikibooks


leiðbeiningar um Wikipedia greinaskrif (Salvör 2019) Leiðbeiningar um wikilexíur Wikilessons (Salvör)

Wikimania 2005: Use of wikis in education, brainstorming with wikis


Wikimania 2005 haldin í Frankfurt am Main, Germany 4-8 ágúst 2005


The author suggests in this presentation how wiki can be used in on-line distance teacher education as a brainstorming tool, peer assessment activity, and a tool to develop accessment criterias for e-portfolio based learning environment.

Wikimania 2006: Wikibooks, Webquests and Wikipedia - Tools for Teachers and Learners


Wikimania 2006 haldin í Cambridge, Massachusetts


This paper explores how educators can use and when creating constructive learning environments on the Web. Educators can design Wikibooks that link together Wikipedia articles and include student-centered and authentic inquiry-based learning tasks. These learning tasks could be Webquests. A WebQuest is a model to teach with the web that was developed in early 1995 at San Diego State University by Bernie Dodge with Tom March. A Webquest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet. Open content such as Webquests as part of a Wikibook can make the writing and updating of a webquest a collaborative process for teachers and can also enable learners to interact with the task -- rewriting it or making changes such as adding links to resources, maintaining link collections, providing tips and messages and adding their own findings/solutions to problems, thus changing the task for future learners travelling on the same learning path.

Wikimania 2011: Wikipedia and the Commons in instructional design and learning activities


Wikimania 2011 í Haifa í Ísrael

Abstract: This tutorial will explain and demonstrate by examples how teachers and instructional designers can develop online learning materials and design online learning activities for students on a school mediawiki installation while connecting to Wikipedia for definitions and background material and Wikimedia Commons as a learning object repository.

NordLAC: Education students as Wikipedians and learning object designers in open environments


The Nordic Research Network on Learning Across Contexts (NordLAC) is a co-operation in research and research training among six universities) Participatory Pedagogy research seminar Sep 27, 2012 - Sep 28, 2012, University of Helsinki

Presenter: Salvör Gissurardóttir

Abstract This paper describes an action research study in teacher education setting in spring semester 2012. Group of students work together in a project producing and designing learning objects for use in K-12 history teaching/learning. The aim af the project was to explore how cooperative design of open learning objects (OER) is different from individual design using material with copyright barriers and how the design process can be improved. The paper describes the study processes and reflects on lessons learnt.

FUM 2012: Opið menntaefni og námsefnisgerð


Ráðstefna FUM (Árleg ráðstefna Félags um menntarannsóknir) 17. mars 2012

Abstract á íslensku:

Í þessu erindi verður fjallað um starfendarannsókn þar sem útbúið er í samvinnu margra námshefti og æfingaverkefni fyrir spjaldtölvu fyrir grunnskólastig, námsefni þar sem unnið er með efni og verkfæri sem annaðhvort eru almenningseign eða með opnum höfundarrétti. Borið er saman hvernig vinnulag og framkvæmd er frábrugðin því unnið er í umhverfi hefðbundins höfundarréttar sérstaklega hvað varðar samvinnu margra og áframhaldandi vinnu og umbreytingu nemandans á efni og efnivið úr höndum námsefnishöfunda.

Abstract á ensku

This paper describes an action research study in teacher education setting in spring semester 2012. Group of students work together in a project producing and designing learning objects for use in K-12 history teaching/learning. The group remixed Icelandic public domain historical material from the seventeenth century (journey book from 1627) with relevant photos/maps/illustrations from same period with CC or PD licence from Wikimedia commons making both wikibook and epub version and wrote or translated together set of Wikipedia articles relevant to the subject and designed learning material/learning tasks that make use of the book, photos/illustrations/maps and the wikipedia articles engaging students in authentic historical and sociogy investigations using primary source materials from seventeenthççÁ century along with recent material from the same geographical spaces, learning tasks employing a constructivist, problem-based methodology. The product is interconnected set of learning objects with open licence that can be used by teachers and/or students. The aim af the project was to explore how cooperative design of open learning objects (OER) is different from individual design using material with copyright barriers and how the design process can be improved. The paper describes the study processes and reflects on lessons learnt. This project used tale of a journey between cultures in 1627 as a main focus and metaphor. The journey is an Icelandic book from 1627, a travellog, The Travels of Ólafur Egilsson who was captured on the Westman Islands in Iceland in a raid by Barbary corsairs in 1627 and returned to Iceland in 1628. He wrote a story of his capture in Iceland and his time as a slave in North Africa and his travel to Denmark to raise ranson money for the captives. His story describes both Christian and Islamic civilization in the seventeenth century and the conditions of slaves.

Hluti af afrakstri Vinnusíða á íslensku wikipediu tenging í ýmsar greinar sem nemendur skrifuðu, aðföng og heimildir. 10 year old: Wikipedia as activity system. Icelandic wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikibooks, Wikiversity


Wikipedia, wikis and Open Educational Resources. Seminar and workshop. January 15, 2011

10 ára afmæli wikipedia 15. janúar 2011. Það var haldin málstofa og vinnustofa þar sem fræðimenn og leikmenn fjölluðu um Wikipedia, vinnu nemenda og kennara í wikikerfum og opin rannsóknar- og kennslugögn. Málþing á vegum Rannsóknarstofu um upplýsingatækni og miðlun o.fl. aðila

Menntakvika 2010: Samvinnuskrif


Menntakvika 2010 (Árleg ráðstefna Menntavísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands)


Lýst er starfendarannsókn þar sem markmiðið er að skrifa greinar sem tengjast ferðamannastöðum og íslenskri náttúru á íslensku og ensku wikipedia. Greind eru athafnakerfi í wikipedia samfélagi og sérfræðingasamfélagi miðað við menningar- og sögulega starfsemiskenningu (Activity Theory).

NERA 2008: Wikilessons - Mentors in Open Learning Environments

breyta Nera ráðstefnan 2008 (árleg norræn ráðstefna um menntarannsóknir), haldin í Reykjavík Nordic Education Research Association

Abstract: This Icelandic project is a collection of over 100 finished wikilessons written by teacher education students and their instructor in 2007. The teacher education students were trained in using wikis as a tool to present educational content on the web and to work in open environment. The students were trained in writing lessons in including and linking to content in wikipedia and wikimedia commons, that is trained in using learning objects from huge online databases whenever they needed to define ( or describe in pictures ( Writing wikilessons linking to wikipedia and using pictures from Commons and adding wiki quizzes seem to be an easy way for ordinary non technical teachers to write learning material on the web that uses the huge free sources available in wikipedia and commons, both databases now with over 2 million items. Writing wikilessons makes collaborative writing possible and help building up databases of wikilessons were the users create the content. Wikipages can be collaboration of group of people but in in this project the collaborators were two - the student writing the lesson and the instructor editing the lesson. This was a experiment in student-teacher communication where the instructor corrected the student work directly (and in some cases by writing on the discussion page) instead of telling him how and what to correct. The student could use the history of the wikipage to track changes by the instructor.