Friedrich Louis Dobermann
Friedrich Louis Dobermann (fæddur 2. janúar 1834, dáinn 9. júní 1894) var þýskur skattheimtumaður og hundaræktandi, sem er þekktur fyrir að hafa fyrstur ræktað dobermann hundakynið.
breyta- Dobermann Welfare Association (DWA) Geymt 31 desember 2007 í Wayback Machine
- Dobermann Pedigrees - pedigrees, pictures, Dobermanns in Movies
- Dobermann Review - Herr Ilic Ivan & Frau Jelena Popovic Geymt 15 janúar 2008 í Wayback Machine
- Public Education Committee (DPCA) Geymt 26 september 2007 í Wayback Machine
- Doberman Pinscher Rescue Groups in the United States of America Geymt 9 janúar 2008 í Wayback Machine
- Dobermann Verein e.V.; Herr Hans Wiblishauser
- The Doberman Pinscher Club of America and its breed standards Geymt 29 desember 2007 í Wayback Machine
- United Doberman Club (UDC)
- Doberman Pinscher Alliance of America (DPAA)
- Doberman Pinscher Club Of Canada (DPCC)
- Dutch Dobermann Association (DBA)'s official pedigree database Geymt 27 janúar 2008 í Wayback Machine
- The Official Web Database from The Doberman Pinscher Club of America - Pedigree search tool