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LýsingAzulejos Parque Eduardo VII-2.jpg
English: Panel of glazed tiles from Jorge Colaço (1922) representing an episode of the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) between the Portuguese and Castillian armies. Lisboa, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes.
Français : Panneau d'azulejos créé par Jorge Colaço en 1922 et représentant un épisode de la bataille d'Aljubarrota (1385) entres les armées Portuguaise et Castillianne. Lisbonne, Pavillon Carlos Lopes.
Italiano: Pannello di piastrelle smaltate da Jorge Colaço (1922) rappresenta un episodio della battaglia di Aljubarrota (1385) tra gli eserciti portoghese e castigliano. Lisbona, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes.
Português: Painel de azulejos do artista Jorge Colaço (1922), representando um episódio da batalha de Aljubarrota (1385) entre portugueses e castelhanos.Lisboa, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes.
This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here. This is a featured picture on the English language Wikipedia (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.
English: Panel of glazed tiles by Jorge Colaço (1922) depicting an episode from the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) between the Portuguese and Castillian armies. A piece of public art in Lisbon, Portugal.
Other languages:
Asturianu: Panel d'azulexos pintáu por Jorge Colaço (1922) representando un episodiu de la Batalla d'Aljubarrota (1385), ente los exércitos portugués y castellanu. En Lisboa, Portugal.
Deutsch: Das Bild aus bemalten und glasierten Fliesen (Azulejo) von Jorge Colaço zeigt eine Szene aus der Schlacht von Aljubarrota (1385).
English: Panel of glazed tiles by Jorge Colaço (1922) depicting an episode from the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) between the Portuguese and Castillian armies. A piece of public art in Lisbon, Portugal.
Italiano: Panello di azulejos (maioliche decorate) realizzato nel 1922 dal pittore portoghese Jorge Colaço che rappresenta un episodio della Battaglia di Aljubarrota (1385), combattuta tra il Regno di Portogallo e quello di Castiglia e Leon.
Magyar: Az 1385-ös Aljubarrota-i csata részlete (Jorge Colaço, 1922, Lisszabon)
Svenska: Slaget vid Aljubarrota, konstverk i kakel av den portugisiske konstnären Jorge Colaço.
Беларуская: Мазаіка Жорге Каласа (1922) з эпізодам бітвы партугальскага і касцільскага войскаў пад Альхубаротай (1385).
Русский: Мозаика Хорхе Коласо (Jorge Colaço) (1922), изображение эпизода битвы при Алжубарроте (1385) между португальцами и армиями кастильцев. Часть общественного искусства в Лиссабоне, Португалия
Українська: Мозаїка Жорже Каласа (1922) з епізодом битви португальського і кастильського військ під Альхубаротою (1385).
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"Ala dos Namorados", painel de azulejos de Jorge Colaço (1922)
{{Information |Description=Panel of glazed tiles from Jorge Colaço (1922) representing an episode of the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) between the Portuguese and Castillian armies. Lisboa, Pavilhão Carlos Lopes. |Source=self-made |Date=June 2007 |Author=