„Atómmassi“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Lína 1:
'''Atómmassi''' [[frumefni]]s (einnig þekktþekktur sem '''hlutfallslegur atómmassi''', '''meðaltalsatómmassimeðalatómmassi''' eða '''atómþyngd''') er meðal-atómmassi allra [[samsæta]] frumefnisins eins og þaðþær kemurkoma fyrir í tilteknu umhverfi, vegið útfrá algengi samsætanna. Í [[frumefnatafla|frumefnatöflur]] eru þær yfirleitt listaðar eftir algengi þeirra í jarðskorpu og andrúmslofti jarðar. Í tilfelli tilbúinna frumefna er [[kjörnungur|kjörnungskjarneind]]þungiafjöldi stöðugustu samsætunnar tilgreindur innan sviga sem atómmassinn.
'''Atómmassi''' '''samsætu''' er hlutfallslegur [[massi]] samsætunnar mælt á mælikvarða þar sem [[kolefni-12]] hefur atómmassann nákvæmlega 12. Engar aðrar samsætur hafa heiltölumassa, bæði vegna þess að nifteindir og róteindir eru misþungar sem og vegna [[massafrávik]]s af völdum [[bindiorka|bindiorku]]. Það er þó smávægilegt miðað við massa kjarneindar og því má alltaf rúnna atómmassa samsætu að næstu heiltölu og fá þannig réttan fjölda kjarneinda. Fjölda nifteinda má þá fá með því að draga [[atómtala|atómtöluna]] frá.
The '''atomic mass''' of an ''element'' (also known as the '''relative atomic mass''' or '''average atomic mass''' or '''atomic weight''') is the the average atomic mass of all the chemical element's [[isotope]]s as found in a particular environment, weighted by isotopic abundance. [[Periodic table]]s usually list these with reference to the local environment of Earth's crust and atmosphere. For artificial elements the nucleon count of the most stable isotope is listed in parentheses as the atomic mass.
The '''atomic mass''' of an ''isotope'' is the relative mass of the isotope, scaled with [[carbon-12]] as exactly 12. No other isotopes have whole number masses due to the different mass of neutrons and protons, as well as loss/gain of mass to [[binding energy]]. However, since [[mass defect]] due to binding energy is minimal compared to the mass of a nucleon, rounding the atomic mass of an isotope tells you the total nucleon count. Neutron count can then be derived by subtracting the [[atomic number]].
The pattern in the amounts the atomic masses deviate from their mass numbers is as follows: the deviation starts positive at [[hydrogen]]-1, becomes negative until a minimum is reached at [[iron]]-56, then increases to positive values in the heavy isotopes, with increasing atomic number. This corresponds to the following: [[nuclear fission]] in an element heavier than [[iron]] produces energy, and fission in any element lighter than iron requires energy; the opposite is true of [[nuclear fusion]] reactions - fusion in elements lighter than iron produces energy, and fusion in elements heavier than iron requires energy.
Lína 33 ⟶ 31:
[[Category:Chemical properties]]