Efni eytt Efni bætt við
Girdi (spjall | framlög)
MosheA (spjall | framlög)
Lína 127:
Bitte. --[[Notandi:Ice201|Ís201]] 19:31, 28 júlí 2007 (UTC)
== Adoption ==
Ja, ég vera ættleiddur. Sure, I'd like to be adopted. :)
I have some +50 Wiki pages in various languages, this Icelandic one being just one of the many. Obviously, I cannot check all of them, but I'm on my [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MosheA English one] everyday. I do have a real passion for Iceland, though (I've been there three or four times, and I know Reykjavík pretty well), and would like to learn the language. Any info (preferably on my English page) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, --[[Notandi:MosheA|MosheA]] 05:31, 1 ágúst 2007 (UTC)