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Nipas2 (spjall | framlög)
Nipas2 (spjall | framlög)
Lína 594:
Thanking you for your help. Best regards (from an italian user).--[[Notandi:Nipas2|Nipas2]] ([[Notandaspjall:Nipas2|spjall]]) 27. september 2019 kl. 14:46 (UTC)
== I need help for editing the logos ==
Hi Bragi H. My talks to TKSnaevar/Snaevar had been several times disregarded. I'm sure he is busy and cannot do it, but time has gone by and I noticed none else is taking care of this matter.
All footbal championships since beginning of nineties are sponsored by a firm/bank sponsoring both males and females leagues so that same logo can be copied for both pages at the same time.
I cannot do it as I'm a foreigner and I don't know your copyrights and wp icelandic rules. That's why I'm asking for your or anyone else help.
I need to be edited the following logos/mynd available on ksi site or others, missing on the is.wikipedia pages:
*Missing [[Mynd:Pepsimaxdeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=39256 Pepsymaxdeildin 2019 logo on ksi] (2019);
*Missing [[Mynd:Landsbankadeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=3984 Landsbankadeildin logo] (2003 to 2008);
*Missing [[Mynd:Símadeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=281 Símadeildin logo] (2001 to 2002);
*Missing [[Mynd:Landssímadeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=22643 Landssímadeildinn logo] (2000);
*Missing [[Mynd:Stofndeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=10524 Stofndeild logo] (1997);
*Missing [[Mynd:Mizunodeild.jpg|250px]] [https://emea.mizuno.com/eu/it-it/home/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5rbsBRCFARIsAGEYRwc-gAOqJdpZTzOjwh87-HaZT4M5IZTNfGFPHO0cLTVF9xDBdNgau68aAmEuEALw_wcB Mizuno logo on top left of this page] (1995 to 1996)
*Missing [[Mynd:Trópídeild.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=10524 Trópídeild logo (1994)]
*Missing [[Mynd:Getraunadeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.ksi.is/mot/stakt-mot/$TournamentDetails/Table/?motnumer=10523 Getraunadeildin 1993 logo] (just 1993);
*Missing [[Mynd:Samskipadeildin.jpg|250px]] [https://www.samskip.is/ Samskipadeildin 1992 logo - Samskip Logistics] (just 1992).
Please let me know if you can work about this job or pass it on to other users. Regards.--[[Notandi:Nipas2|Nipas2]] ([[Notandaspjall:Nipas2|spjall]]) 27. september 2019 kl. 15:40 (UTC)