„Þóroddur Bjarnason“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Lína 8:
Hann stýrði rannsóknarverkefninu Samgöngur og byggðaþróun: Félagsleg, efnahagsleg og menningarleg áhrif [[Héðinsfjarðargöng|Héðinsfjarðarganganna]]<ref>Samfélagsleg áhrif [http://byggdathroun.is/hedinsfjardargong/ Héðinsfjarðarganganna]</ref> 2009-2015.
== Ritrýndar greinar ==
[http://sjp.sagepub.com/content/43/5/497.full.pdf+html Ársæll M. Arnarsson, Sigrún Sveinbjörnsdottir, Einar B. Þorsteinsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2015. Suicidal risk and sexual orientation in adolescence: A population-based study in Iceland. ''Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 43, 497-505.'']
[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00313831.2014.904417 Thamar M. Heijstra, Þóroddur Bjarnason og Guðbjörg L. Rafnsdóttir. 2015. Predictors of gender inequalities in the rank of full professor. ''Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research'', 59, 214–230.]
[http://www.irpa.is/article/download/1607/pdf_351 Þóroddur Bjarnason og Edward H. Huibens. 2014. Stefna íslenskra stjórnvalda og vöxtur ferðaþjónustu á jaðarsvæðum: Áhrif Héðinsfjarðarganga í Fjallabyggð. ''Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla'', 10, 567–581.] 
[http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0966692314002142/1-s2.0-S0966692314002142-main.pdf?_tid=1d8d7cd2-694c-11e5-9ab2-00000aacb361&acdnat=1443821314_ffd91f2139fa446f76ae4fcecbf2eb5e Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2014. The effects of road infrastructure improvement on work travel in Northern Iceland. ''Journal of Transport Geography'', 41, 229–238.]
[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0966692314002142/pdfft?md5=2740a83ce6563758ec3ba30afadb35ad&pid=1-s2.0-S0966692314002142-main.pdf Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2014. Adolescent migration intentions and population change: A twenty-year follow-up of Icelandic communities. ''Sociologia Ruralis'', 54, 500–515.]
[http://www.thjodfelagid.is/index.php/Th/article/view/63/pdf Þóroddur Bjarnason og Kjartan Ólafsson. 2014. Skammtímaáhrif Héðinsfjarðarganga á mannfjöldaþróun í Fjallabyggð. ''Íslenska þjóðfélagið'', 5, 25–48.]
[http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jukka_Savolainen2/publication/270636598_Cross-National_Variation_in_Socioeconomic_Status_and_Delinquency_A_Comparative_Study_of_Adolescents_from_26_European_Countries/links/54b2a2c90cf220c63cd2726a.pdf?inViewer=true&dis Jukka Savolainen, Lorine A. Hughes og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2013. Cross-national variation in socioeconomic status and delinquency: A comparative study of adolescents from 26 European countries. ''Comparative Sociology'', 12, 677–704.] 
[http://skemman.is/en/stream/get/1946/16040/38019/1/a.2013.9.1.8.pdf Þóroddur Bjarnason og Jón Þorvaldur Heiðarsson. 2013. Útgjöld ríkisins i Norðausturkjördæmi og tekjur ímyndaðs „Norðausturríkis“. ''Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla'', 9, 155–170.]
Daniela Piontek, Ludwig Kraus, Thoroddur Bjarnason, Zsolt Demetrovics og Mats Ramstedt. 2013. Individual and country-level effects of cannabis-related perceptions on cannabis use. A multilevel study among adolescents in 32 European countries. ''Journal of Adolescent Health'', 473-479.
https://www.academia.edu/attachments/31662003/download_file?s=regpath Sigrún Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Einar B. Þorsteinsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2012. Upplifun unglinga á almennri líkamlegri og andlegri heilsu með hliðsjón af kynhneigð. Sálfræðiritið, 17,
fylgirit I, 20–22.
[[Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2012. Hagsmunir íslenskra sjávarbyggða við endurskoðun fiskveiðistjórnunar. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál, 9, (3).]]
Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir, Þóroddur Bjarnason
og Andrea Hjálmsdóttir. 2012. Bóklausir og bókaormar:Tengsl menntunar og
efnahags foreldra við yndislestur unglinga í alþjóðlegu ljósi. Netla, 10, sérrit
Anna Kokkevi, Clive Richardson, Deborah Olszewski, Joao Matias, Karin Monshouwer og
Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2012. Multiple
substance use and self-reported suicide attempts by adolescents in 16 European countries. ''European Child &''
Adolescent Psychiatry'', 21, 443–450.''
 Margreet de Looze, William Pickett, Quinten Raaijmakers, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Anne Hublet, Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Þóroddur Bjarnason, Michal Molcho, Wilma Vollebergh og Tom ter Bogt. 2012. Early risk behaviors and adolescent injury in 25 European and North American countries: A
cross-national consistent relationship. ''Journal''
of Early Adolescence'', 32, 104–125. ''
Þóroddur Bjarnason og Sveinn Arnarsson. 2012.
Slys á hættulegustu vegum landsins. ''Læknablaðið'',
98, 103–108.
Þóroddur Bjarnason, Pernille Bendtsen,
Arsaell M. Arnarsson, Ina Borup, Ronald J. Iannotti, Petra Löfstedt, Ilona
Haapasalo, Birgit Niclasen. 2012. Life satisfaction among children in different
family structures: A comparative study of 
36 western societies. ''Children''
& Society,'' 26, 51–62.''
Richard B. Felson, Jukka Savolainen, Þóroddur
Bjarnason, Amy L. Anderson og Israt Zohra. 2011. The cultural context of
adolescent drinking and violence in 30 European countries. ''Criminology'',
49, 699–728.
Bjarnason og Ársæll Már Arnarsson.
2011. Joint Physical Custody and Communication with Parents in 37 Western Societies. ''Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 42, 871–890''.
Bjarnason, Birgir Guðmundsson og Kjartan Ólafsson. 2011. Towards a digital
adolescent society? The social structure of the Icelandic adolescent
blogosphere. ''New Media & Society'',
13, 645–662.
Bjarnason. 2011. Framtíðarbúseta unglinga af erlendum uppruna. ''Netla'', 9, (32).
Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Þóroddur Bjarnason, Ársæll M. Arnarsson og Andrea
Hjálmsdóttir. 2010. Lífsánægja samkynhneigðra unglinga í 10.bekk. ''Sálfræðiritið'', 15, 25–36.
Carole L.
Seyfrit, Þóroddur Bjarnason og Kjartan
Ólafsson. 2010. Migration intentions of rural youth in Iceland: Can a
large-scale development project stem the tide of out-migration? ''Society and Natural Resources'', 23,
'''[8.42]'''      Michal Molcho, Francesca Cristini, Saoirse
Nic Gabhainn, Massimo Santinello, Carmen Moreno, Margarida Gaspar de Matos,
Þóroddur Bjarnason, Daniela Baldassari og Pernille Due. 2010. Health and
well-being among child immigrants in Europe. ''Eurohealth'', 16, 20–23.
'''[8.41]'''      Torbjørn
Torsheim, Lilly Eriksson, Christina Warrer Schnohr, Fredrik Hansen, Þóroddur
Bjarnason og Raili Välimaa. 2010. Screen based activities and physical
complaints among adolescents from the Nordic countries. ''BMC Public Health'', 10:324.
'''[8.40]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason, Andreea Steriu og Anna
Kokkevi. 2010. Cannabis Supply and Demand Reduction: Evidence from the ESPAD
Study of Adolescents in 31 European Countries. ''Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy'', 17, 123–134.
'''[8.39]'''      Ársæll Már
Arnarsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2009.
Einelti og samskipti við fjölskyldu og vini meðal 6., 8. og 10. bekkinga. ''Tímarit um menntarannsóknir'', 6, 15–26.
'''[8.38]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2009. London calling?
Preferred emigration destinations among Icelandic youth. ''Acta Sociologica'', 52, 149–161.
'''[8.37]'''      Þóroddur
Bjarnason. 2009. Anomie among European
Adolescents: Conceptual and empirical clarification of a multilevel
sociological concept. ''Sociological Forum'',
24, 135–161.
'''[8.36]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2008. International
migration expectations among Icelandic youth. ''Arctic and Antarctic: International Journal of Circumpolar''
Sociocultural Issues'', 2, 47–74.''
'''[8.35]'''      Andrea Hjálmsdóttir og Þóroddur Bjarnason.
2008. Og seinna börnin segja: Þetta er einmitt sú veröld sem ég vil...?
Breytingar á viðhorfum 10. bekkinga til jafnréttismála, 1992-2006. ''Uppeldi og menntun,'' 17(2), 75–86.
'''[8.34]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Andrea Hjálmsdóttir. 2008.
Egalitarian attitudes towards the division of
household labor among adolescents in Iceland. ''Sex Roles''. 59, 49–60.
'''[8.33]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2007. The Social
Psychology of Anomie: The Association of Exteriority and Constraint with
Self-Esteem and Depression among European Adolescents. ''REALIDAD: Revista del Cono Sur de Psicología Social y Política'', 2,
<nowiki>7–16. http://www.kennedy.edu.ar/Posgrados/realidad.htm</nowiki>
'''[8.32]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason, Brynjólfur
Mogensen, Dagmar Ýr Stefánsdóttir, Jóhann Ásmundsson. 2007. Þáttur áfengis í komum unglinga á slysa- og
bráðadeild Landspítala. ''Læknablaðið'',
93, 181-185.
'''[8.31]'''      Þórólfur
Þórlindsson, Þóroddur Bjarnason og Inga D. Sigfúsdóttir. 2007. Social Closure,
Parental and Peer Networks: A Study of Adolescent Scholastic Achievement and
Alcohol Use. ''Acta Sociologica'', 50, 161-178.
'''[8.30]'''      Inga D.
Sigfúsdóttir, Þórólfur Þórlindsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2007. Religion:
Soutien divin et tension psychologique. ''Social''
Compass'', 54, 473–492. ''
'''[8.29]'''      Messner,
Steven F., Lawrence E. Raffalovich, Þóroddur Bjarnason og Benjamin
Pearson-Nelson. 2006. Divorce,
Non-marital Fertility, and Youth Suicide Rates: A Multinational, Time-Series
Analysis''. Journal of Marriage and the Family'', 68 , 1105-1111.
'''[8.28]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2006. Polarization in
alcohol consumption among Icelandic adolescents, 1995-2003. ''Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs'', 23,
'''[8.27]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Þórólfur
Þórlindsson. 2006. Should I stay or should I go? Migration expectations among
youth in Icelandic fishing and farming communities. ''Journal of Rural Studies'',
22, 290-300.
'''[8.26]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2006. Polarisering i
alkoholkonsumtionen bland isländska unga, 1995-2003. ''Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift'', 23, 50–58.
'''[8.25]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Stefán Hrafn
Jónsson. 2005. Contrast Effects in Perceived Risk of Substance Use. ''Substance''
Use and Misuse'', 40, 1733–1748.''
'''[8.24]'''      Þóroddur
Bjarnason, Þórólfur Þórlindsson, Inga D. Sigfúsdóttir og Michael R. Welch.
2005. Familial and Religious Influences on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A
Multi-Level Study of Students and School Communities. ''Social Forces'', 84,
'''[8.23]'''      Welch, Michael R., Yili Xu, Þóroddur Bjarnason, Tom
Petee, Patricia O’Donnell og Paul Magro. 2005. ‘But everybody does it...’ The
effects of perceptions, moral pressures and informal sanctions on tax cheating.
''Sociological Spectrum,'' 25, 21–52.
'''[8.22]'''      Pearson-Nelson, Benjamin, Lawrence E. Raffalovich og
Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2004. The effects of ICD changes on WHO suicide rates,
1950–1999. ''Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior'', 34, 328-36.
'''[8.21]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Michael R. Welch. 2004. Father
knows best: Parishes, priests and American Catholic attitudes toward capital
punishment. ''Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion'', 43, 103–118.
'''[8.20]'''      McVeigh, Rory, Michael R. Welch og Þóroddur Bjarnason.
2003. Hate crime reporting as a successful social movement outcome. ''American''
Sociological Review'', 68, 843–867.''
'''[8.19]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason, Barbro Andersson, Marie Choquet,
Zsuzsanna Elekes, Mark Morgan og Gertrude Rapinett. 2003. Alcohol culture,
family structure and adolescent alcohol use: Multi-level modeling of frequency
of heavy drinking among 15–16 year old students in eleven European countries. ''Journal''
of Studies on Alcohol'', 64, 200–208.''
'''[8.18]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason, Aleksandra G. Davidaviciene, Patrick
Miller, Alojz Nociar, Andreas Pavlakis og Eva Stergar. 2003. Family structure
and adolescent cigarette smoking in eleven European countries. ''Addiction'',
98, 815–824.
'''[8.17]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir. 2003.
Psychological distress during unemployment and beyond: Social support and
material deprivation among youth in six northern European countries. ''Social''
Science and Medicine,'' 65, 973–985. ''
'''[8.16]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir. 2002.
Nordic impact: Article productivity and citation patterns in sixteen Nordic
sociology departments. ''Acta Sociologica,'' 45, 253–267.
'''[8.15]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 2000. Grooming for success? The
impact of adolescent society on early intergenerational social mobility. ''Journal of Family and Economic Issues,'' 21, 319–42''.''
'''[8.14]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason og Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir. 2000.
Anonymity and confidentiality in school surveys on tobacco, alcohol and
cannabis use. ''Journal of Drug Issues,'' 30,
'''[8.13]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason, Þórdís Jóna Sigurðardóttir og
Þórólfur Þórlindsson. 1999. Human agency, capable guardians and structural
constraints: A lifestyle approach to the study of violent victimization. ''Journal of Youth and Adolescence,'' 28, 105–119.
'''[8.12]'''      Morgan, Mark, Bjorn Hibell, Barbro Andersson, Þóroddur
Bjarnason, Anna Kokkevi og Anu Narusk. 1999. The ESPAD Study: Implications for
prevention. ''Drugs: Education, Prevention''
and Policy,'' 6, 243–256''.
'''[8.11]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1998. Parents, religion and perceived
social coherence: A Durkheimian framework of adolescent anomie. ''Journal for the Scientific Study of''
Religion,'' 37, 743–755. ''
'''[8.10]'''      Aldous, Joan, Gail M. Mulligan og Þóroddur Bjarnason.
1998. Fathering over time: What makes the difference? ''Journal of Marriage and the Family,'' 60, 809–820.
'''[8.09]'''      Þórólfur Þórlindsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1998. Modeling Durkheim on the
micro level: A study of youth suicidality. ''American''
Sociological Review'', 63, 94–110.''
'''[8.08]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1995. Administration mode bias in a school survey on
alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use. ''Addiction'',
90, 555–559.
'''[8.07]'''      Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1994. The influence of social support, suggestion and
depression on suicidal behavior among Icelandic youth. ''Acta Sociologica'', 37, 195–206.
Þóroddur Bjarnason og Þórólfur Þórlindsson. 1994. Manifest predictors of
past suicide attempts in a population of Icelandic adolescents. ''Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior'',
24, 350–358.
Þóroddur Bjarnason og Þórólfur Þórlindsson. 1994. Trends in Icelandic
suicide rates 1951–1990. ''Arctic Medical''
Research'', 53, 534–536.''
Helgi Gunnlaugsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1994. Establishing a discipline:
The impact of society on the development of Icelandic sociology. ''Acta Sociologica'', 37, 303–312.
Þórólfur Þórlindsson og Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1994. Suicidal ideation and
suicide attempts in a population of Icelandic adolescents. ''Arctic Medical Research'', 53, 580–582.
Þóroddur Bjarnason og Þórólfur Þórlindsson. 1993. In defense of a folk
model: The ‘Skipper Effect’ in the Icelandic cod fishery. ''American Anthropologist'', 95, 371–394.
Þóroddur Bjarnason. 1992. Rannsóknir á hassneyslu Reykjavíkuræskunnar. ''Sálfræðiritið'', 3, 49–60.
== Tilvísanir ==