„Helena Eyjólfsdóttir with the Icelandic all stars“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Lína 16:
|Næsta breiðskífa =
'''Helena Eyjólfsdóttir with the Icelandic all stars''' er 45-snúninga [[hljómplata]] gefin út af [[Íslenskir Tónar|Íslenskum Tónum]] árið 1959. Á henni flytja [[Helena Eyjólfsdóttir]], [[Finnur Eydal]], [[Andrés Ingólfsson]], Jón Sigurðsson, [[Þórarinn Ólafsson]] og [[Guðjón Ingi Sigurðsson]] tvö lög. Útsetjari: [[Jón Sigurðsson]]. Platan er hljóðrituð í mono. Upptaka: Ríkisútvarpið. Pressun: [[AS Nera]] í [[Osló]].
== Lagalisti ==
Lína 25:
Helena Eyjólfsdóttir presents on this record to great oldies, George and Ira Gershwins ''Bewitched'' and Rodgers and Hart's ''But not for me''. In these great songs, this young lady of song shows her great quality as a jazz singer in the field of great tunes of yesterday.
In the field of pop music Helena Eyjólfsdóttir is in Iceland the name of succes and her records are always sure to hit the top cards on the hit parade.
The Icelandic all stars represent the finest instrumentalists in Icelandic jazz artists of the cool jazz. Jón Sigurðsson is the arranger and bass player, and his arrangement of these to songs are of a high standard.