settermsvgsize800,600enhancedfont'Times, 18'setoutput'partial_func_eg.svg'setmultiplotsetxlabel"x"setylabel"y"setzlabel"z"setxrange[-2.5:2.5]setyrange[-2.5:2.5]setzrange[-1.0:10.0]unsetcolorboxsetview50,20setstylefillsolid0.6setborderlw0.5unsetkeysetxlabelfont'Times, 48'setylabelfont'Times, 48'setzlabelfont'Times, 48'sethidden3dfrontsetticslevel0setisosamples20,200# Draw the surfaces of f(x,y) = x^2 + xy + y^2 and y=1.setpalettedefined(0"navy",10"cyan")splotx*x+x*y+y*ywpm3d,\
y<0.99?-2:(y>1.04?10.01:(y<1?-1:10))wlineslt8lw2# Draw the grids and intersection curve.setisosamples40,40splotx*x+x*y+y*ywlineslt8lw0.1splot0.95<y&&y<1.05?x*x+x+1:-2wlineslt7lw2unsetmultiplotsettermwindowssetoutput
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Deila eins – Ef þú breytir, yfirfærir eða byggir á þessu efni, þá mátt þú eingöngu dreifa því verki með sama eða svipuðu leyfi og upprunalega verkið er með.