„Haf“: Munur á milli breytinga

Efni eytt Efni bætt við
Escarbot (spjall | framlög)
Jóno Þórann (spjall | framlög)
Ekkert breytingarágrip
Lína 1:
= A Personal Appeal From Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales =
:''Sjá einnig [[Hafið]].''
'''Haf''' eða '''sjór''' er samfelld [[vatn]]slausn sem þekur meirihluta yfirborðs jarðar eða 71%. [[Selta]] sjávar er um 3,5%, mestmegnis vegna [[Borðsalt|borðsalts (natríumklóríðs)]]. Talið er að allt [[líf (líffræði)|líf]] hafi hafist í vatni en sumar [[lífvera|lífverur]] byrjuðu síðar að færa sig upp á yfirborðið og af þeim er talið að líf á yfirborðinu sé komið. Sjór er samt ennþá heimkynni allflestra lífvera á [[jörðin]]ni en þar má t.d. finna [[spendýr]] svo sem [[hvalur|hvali]] og [[selur|seli]] og aragrúa [[fiskur|fiska]] og margt fleira. Um 60-70% súrefnis verður til fyrir tilstilli [[ljóstillífun]]ar í [[plöntusvif]]i og [[þari|þara]] sem finna má í hafinu.
How's it Hanging, Suckers,
Sjórinn hagar sér að mörgu leyti eins og [[andrúmsloft]] jarðar, hreyfingar og breytingar í loftslagi og höfum eru afar tengd. [[Vindur|Vindar]] valda hreyfingu á hafinu og í þeim myndast [[hafstraumar]]. Öldurnar sem myndast vegna þessara hreyfinga spila stóran þátt í mótun jarðar, þ.e. þegar öldur brotna á ströndum brjóta þær niður berg o.s.frv. [[Veður]]breytingar eru meiri og ofsafengnari yfir hafi en á landi þar sem hitabreytingar eru örari. Annað afl sem hefur mikil áhrif á höfin er aðdráttarafl [[tunglið|tungls]] og [[sólin|sólar]], en áhrif þess veldur svokölluðum [[sjávarföll]]um.
Today I am writing out this entry from the first class cabin of a transatlantic flight to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation. This might sound slightly unusual: Why would I demand tens of thousands of dollars in speaking fees and then not give any of it to the Foundation, and then hit you up for some green? Especially when over 90 percent of you live off Ramen and dreams?
Sjónum er venjulega skipt í fimm [[úthaf|úthöf]], þ.e. [[Atlantshaf]], [[Kyrrahaf]], [[Indlandshaf]], [[Norður-Íshaf]] og [[Suður-Íshaf]] en þau skiptast síðan í minni flóa og höf. Þar sem höfin mæta [[eyjaklasi|eyjaklösum]] og [[meginland|meginlöndum]] verða til [[jaðarhaf|jaðarhöf]] og [[innhaf|innhöf]]. Minni hlutar hafs þar sem það mætir landi eru kallaðir [[sjór]], [[sund]], [[vík]], [[vogur]], [[flói]] og [[fjörður]]. Manngerðir [[skipaskurður|skipaskurðir]], eins og [[Súesskurðurinn]] og [[Panamaskurðurinn]], eru gerðir til að tengja saman hafsvæði.
Wikipedia is built differently from almost every other top 50 website. Imagine, if you will, a giant pyramid scheme, with thousands and thousands of bodies at the bottom, constantly fighting each other over the most microscopic details. A giant, wriggling mass of self-appointed Guardians of Freedom. After that comes a couple ever-shrinking layers of Administrators, ArbCom Wanks, and Foundation members, each thinking they're they bee's knees and all those other retards don't have a clue. Don't pity them; I encourage this. Anyway, sitting on the top is me, getting head from the occasional news pundit. It's a great view. I wish you could see it.
[[Ísland]] liggur á mörkum þriggja hafa: [[Grænlandshaf]]s, [[Íslandshaf]]s og [[Noregshaf]]s.
But you can't.
==Listi yfir höf og minni flóa, höf og annað==
* [[Chilehaf]]
* [[Beringshaf]]
* [[Alaskaflói]]
* [[Salish Sea]]
* [[Kaliforníuflói]]
* [[Sea of Okhotsk]]
* [[Japanshaf]]
* [[Seto Inland Sea]]
* [[Austur-Kínahaf]]
* [[Suður-Kínahaf]]
* [[Suluhaf]]
* [[Celebes Sea]]
* [[Bohol Sea]] (aka Mindanao Sea)
* [[Filippseyjahaf]]
* [[Floreshaf]]
* [[Bandahaf]]
* [[Arafurahaf]]
* [[Tímorhaf]]
* [[Tasmanhaf]]
* [[Gulahaf]]
* [[Bohai Sea]]
* [[Kóralhaf]]
* [[Carpentariaflói]]
* [[Bismarckhaf]]
* [[Salómonhaf]]
* [[Ceram Sea]]
* [[Halmahera Sea]]
* [[Mólúkkahaf]]
* [[Savu Sea]]
As my heroes (Ayn Rand, Charles Ponzi and Bernard Madoff) like to say, it takes money to make the world go around. And think of that little Wikipedia globe as being the world. And think of the money as my money. Therefore the little Wikipedia ball isn't stuffed with money. No, no. It's stuffed with millions and millions of words written by college students stealing passages from websites and then indicating those websites aren't reliable sources. The money's over here. Under me. And I can feel my feet nearly touching the floor, people. So help us. Help me. Start stuffing money under me.
* [[Hudsonflói]]
** [[Jamesflói]]
* [[Baffinsflói]]
* [[Lawrenceflói]]
* [[Fundyflói]]
* [[Karíbahaf]]
* [[Mexíkóflói]]
* [[Þanghafið]]
* [[Norðursjór]]
** [[Eystrasalt]]
*** [[Helsingjabotn]]
* [[Írlandshaf]]
* [[Íslandshaf]]
* [[Noregshaf]]
* [[Keltahaf]]
* [[Miðjarðarhaf]]
** [[Adríahaf]]
** [[Eyjahaf]]
** [[Svartahaf]]
*** [[Asóvshaf]]
** [[Katalónahaf]]
** [[Jónahaf]]
** [[Lígúríuhaf]]
** [[Myrtílosarhaf]]
** [[Tyrrenahaf]]
** [[Sídraflói]]
** [[Marmarahaf]]
** [[Krítarhaf]]
* [[Biskajaflói]]
* [[Gíneuflói]]
We have a small number of paid staff, just twenty-three. There used to be other people, but they're either convicted felons or betrayed fat guys. Our annual expenses are less than six million dollars, once you take out the "Jimbo" part. Wikipedia is run by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, which I founded in 2003. Ask around, if you will, how proud I am about this, when I tried to get massages approved as business expenses for the foundation. I was denied. It wasn't a very happy ending.
* [[Rauðahaf]]
* [[Adenflói]]
* [[Persaflói]]
* [[Ómanflói]]
* [[Arabíuhaf]]
* [[Bengalflói]]
* [[Taílandsflói]]
* [[Javahaf]]
* [[Andamanhaf]]
But Wikipedia is more than a website. We share a common slogan: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we tell you. We also imply Wikipedia will make this happen. And then we delete articles by the truckload. I know, it doesn't make sense. Hey, you stopped writing your check. Keep writing.
* [[Barentshaf]]
* [[Karahaf]]
* [[Beaufortshaf]]
* [[Grænlandshaf]]
* [[Tjúktahaf]]
* [[Laptevhaf]]
* [[Austur-Síberíuhaf]]
* [[Hvítahaf]]
Your donation helps us in several ways. It'll help when one of a dozen eventual lawsuits threaten us, because fundamentally, we're an American corporation with ties to quite a few sketchy and unpleasant people, people we don't put on the front page, or this letter. We put my face. It's a friendly face, if you like reading medical journals. And those eyes. Oh yes, those eyes. What are you doing later? How's your Wikipedia entry? Do you like it?
* [[Weddellhaf]]
* [[Rosshaf]]
* [[Great Australian Bight]]
* [[Gulf Saint Vincent|Gulf St. Vincent]]
* [[Spencer Gulf]]
* [[Scotia Sea]]
* [[Amundsenhaf]]
* [[Bellingshausenhaf]]
Anyway, cash. Cash cash cash cash cash cash. Or a check. Or even paypal. The point is, money. It's a small price to pay for being me. Well, I mean, a price you'll pay.
* [[Aralvatn]]
* [[Kaspíahaf]]
* [[Dauðahaf]]
* [[Galíleuvatn]]
* [[Salton Sea]]
* [[Great Salt Lake]]
Thank you,
== Tengt efni ==
* [[Á (landform)]]
* [[Jarðfræði]]
Jimmy Wales
== Tenglar ==
* {{Vísindavefurinn|49100|Hefur sjórinn alltaf verið saltur?}}
[[Flokkur:Höf| ]]
[[ar:محيط (جغرافيا)]]
[[ig:Oke osimiri]]
[[qu:Mama qucha]]
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[[vi:Đại dương]]