„Eyjafjarðarsveit“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Lína 14:
Eyjafjörður is a fjord in the middle of North Iceland.
It is one of the longest fjords in Iceland and the district around the fjord and inside it is the second most populous district in the country.
The name is derived from Hrísey which lies in the middle of the fjord.
Eyjafjarðarsveit is a big countryside and has a river which is called Eyjafjarðar-á, it's a big river and once when it was very cold outside and the river froze and you could walk on it but it was always risky.
the countrysides in Eyjafjarðarsveit were three and the are Hrafnagilshreppur, Saurbæjarhreppur and Öngulsstaðarhreppur but they were united to only Eyjafjarðarsveit.
Education started in Hrafnagilsskóli in 1971 and has been until now, the kindergarten is near the school.
Aron Einar Gunnarsson is a famous person that grew up here in Eyjafjarðarsveit and plays for the Icelandic National team.
He trained with Samherjar when he was young here in Hrafnagil and then he moved away when he was older.
Eyjafjarðarsveit has a beautiful forest called Aldísarlundur, it’s not a big forest but it will do for a small town in Eyjafjarðarsveit.
The Eyjafjörður area is the second most populous in Iceland after the capital area.
In 2016, the total population of the municipalities adjacent to the fjord was about 25,000.
By far the largest town in the area is Akureyri, but other towns and villages are: Ólafsfjörður, Dalvík, Hrísey, Árskógssandur, Hauganes, Hjalteyri, Hrafnagil, Svalbarðseyri and Grenivík.
The basic industries of most of these places are fisheries and agriculture, but Akureyri is also the area's service center with many important institutions such as hospitals and universities.
Several rivers flow into Eyjafjörður, the largest of which are Eyjafjarðará, Fnjóská and Hörgá but also Svarfaðardalsá.
'''Eyjafjarðarsveit''' er [[sveitarfélag]] í [[Eyjafjörður|Eyjafirði]]. Það varð til [[1. janúar]] [[1991]] með sameiningu [[Hrafnagilshreppur|Hrafnagilshrepps]], [[Öngulsstaðahreppur|Öngulsstaðahrepps]] og [[Saurbæjarhreppur (Eyjafjarðarsýslu)|Saurbæjarhrepps]]. Það nær yfir sveitirnar inn af Eyjafirði og raunar alla leið uppá [[Sprengisandur|Sprengisand]].