„Skóli“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Lína 1:
Death is the cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include senescence, predation, malnutrition, disease, suicide, homicide, starvation, dehydration, and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury.[1] In most cases, bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Death – particularly the death of humans – has commonly been considered a sad or unpleasant occasion, due to the affection for the being that has died and the termination of social and familial bonds with the deceased. Other concerns include fear of death, necrophobia, anxiety, sorrow, grief, emotional pain, depression, sympathy, compassion, solitude, or saudade. Many cultures and religions have the idea of an afterlife, and also hold the idea of reward or judgement and punishment for past sin. Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.[6] Risk factors include mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse, including alcoholism and use of benzodiazepines.[2][4][7] Other suicides are impulsive acts due to stress such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or from bullying.[2][8] Those who have previously attempted suicide are at higher risk for future attempts.[2] Suicide prevention efforts include limiting access to methods of suicide, such as firearms, drugs, and poisons, treating mental disorders and substance misuse, proper media reporting of suicide, and improving economic conditions.[2] Although crisis hotlines are common, there is little evidence for their effectiveness.[9] Suicide Edouard Manet - Le Suicidé.jpg The Suicide by Édouard Manet 1877–1881 Specialty Psychiatry Usual onset >70 and 15–30 years old[1] Causes Hanging, pesticide poisoning, firearms[2][3] Risk factors Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, substance misuse[4][2] Prevention Limiting access to methods of suicide, treating mental disorders and substance misuse, proper media reporting of suicide, improving economic conditions[2] Deaths 828,000 / 1.5% (2015)[5] [edit on Wikidata] The most commonly used method of suicide varies between countries, and is partly related to the availability of effective means.[10] Common methods include hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms.[2][3] Suicide resulted in 828,000 deaths globally in 2015 (up from 712,000 deaths in 1990).[5][11] This makes it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide.[4][12]
'''Skóli''' er [[stofnun]] þar sem ungum sem öldnum eru kenndar ýmsar [[fræðigrein]]ar af [[kennari|kennurum]], en það er mismunandi eftir skólastigi og tegund skóla hvað er kennt og á hvaða erfiðleikastigi. Á sumum skólastigum er mætingaskylda, svo nemendur þurfa að mæta á réttum tíma. Orðið ''skóli'' er einnig haft um ákveðan stefnu í listum, t.d. ''vínarskólinn''.
== Fyrstu skólastofnanir á Íslandi ==