„Justin Bieber“: Munur á milli breytinga

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Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin re school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter Justin Bieber er school shooter
| heiti = Justin Bieber
| mynd = Justin_Bieber_in_2015.jpg
| myndatexti = Justin Bieber í 2015
| nafn = Justin Drew Bieber
| fæðing = {{Fæðingardagur og aldur|1994|03|1}}
| dauði =
| uppruni = [[Ontario]], [[Kanada]]
| hljóðfæri = Söngvari, trommur, gítar, píanó, trompet
| gerð =
| rödd =
| stefna = [[Popp]], [[R&B]], [[Teen Pop]]
| starf = Söngvari, lagahöfundur, framleiðandi, leikari
| virkur = 2008-nú
| titill =
| foreldrar = [[Patricia "Pattie" Mallette]] & [[Jeremy Jack Bieber]]
| ár =
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'''Justin Drew Bieber''' (fæddur [[1. mars]] [[1994]]) er [[Kanada|kanadískur]] [[Popptónlist|popp]]/[[R&B]]-söngvari.<ref>{{cite web|url= http://www.billboard.com/artist/justin-bieber/bio/1099520 |title= Justin Bieber Biography & Awards|work= Billboard|accessdate= 2010-06-15}}</ref> Bieber var uppgötvaður af Scooter Braun <ref>{{Cite news|url = http://www.vancouverobserver.com/politics/news/2010/12/24/justin-bieber-makes-them-proud-why |title=Justin Bieber makes them proud. But why?|last=Konjicanin|first=Anja|date=December 24, 2010|publisher=Vancouver Observer|accessdate= 2011-01-11}}</ref> árið 2008. Braun rakst á myndband með Bieber á [[YouTube]] og varð síðar umboðsmaður hans. Braun kom honum einnig í samband við [[Usher Raymond]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.billboard.com/news/justin-bieber-the-billboard-cover-story-1004074692.story#/news/justin-bieber-the-billboard-cover-story-1004074692.story|title=Justin Bieber – The Billboard Cover Story|last=Herrera|first=Monica|date=March 19, 2010|work=Billboard|publisher=e5 Global Media|accessdate=2010-05-07}}</ref> sem kom Bieber á samning hjá [[Raymond Braun Media Group]] og seinna átti hann eftir að komast á samning hjá [[Island Records]] í boði [[L.A. Reid]]. <ref name="mitchell">{{cite web|url=http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/usher-introduces-teen-singer-justin-bieber-1003966989.story#/bbcom/news/usher-introduces-teen-singer-justin-bieber-1003966989.story|title=Usher Introduces Teen Singer Justin Bieber|last=Mitchell|first=Gail|date=April 28, 2009|work=Billboard|publisher=e5 Global Media|accessdate=2009-07-23}}</ref>
Í nóvember 2009 gaf Justin út plötuna [[My World]]. Hann varð fyrsti tónlistarmaðurinn til að ná sjö lögum á [[Billboard listann]] á sama tíma. Heimildarmynd var gerð um hann árið 2011 og fékk hún nafnið [[Justin Bieber: Never Say Never]]. Í nóvember 2011 gaf hann svo út sína aðra stúdíóplötu sem hét [[Under The Mistletoe]] og ári seinna, 2012, gaf hann út þriðju stúdíóplötuna, [[Believe]].
Justin hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna, m.a. listamaður ársins á [[Amerísku tónlistaverðlaununum 2010 og 2012]] og var tilnefndur sem besti nýji lystamaðurinn og hlaut viðurkenningu fyrir bestu popp plötuna á [[53. Grammy verðlaunahátíðinni ]]. Hann á aðdáendur um allan heim og er hann með 33 milljónir ''followers'' á samskiptasíðunni Twitter. Aðdáendurnir kalla sjálfa sig [[''Beliebers'']]. Samkvæmt [[Forbes]] tímaritinu árið 2012 var Justin þriðja valdamesta stjarnan á jarðríki. Í maí 2012 hafði Bieber selt um 15 milljónir platna.
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