Apis mellifera macedonica

Makedónska alibýflugan (Apis mellifera macedonica) er undirtegund af alibýflugu. Hún finnst aðallega í Makedóníu, Norður Grikklandi (Makedóníu og Þrakíu) og einnig á öðrum svæðum á Balkanskaga.

Macedonian bee
Vísindaleg flokkun
Ríki: Dýraríki (Animalia)
Fylking: Liðdýr (Arthropoda)
Flokkur: Skordýr (Insecta)
Ættbálkur: Æðvængjur (Hymenoptera)
Undirættbálkur: Broddvespur (Apocrita)
Yfirætt: Apoidea
Ætt: Apidae
Ættkvísl: Apis

A. m. macedonica

Apis mellifera macedonica
Ruttner, 1988

Tilvísanir breyta

  • Ifantidis M.D. (1979) Morphological characters of the Greek Bee Apis Mellifica Cecropia, XXVII Congr. Int. Apic. Athens, pp. 271–277. Lynch M., Crease T.J. (1990) The Analysis of Population Survey Data of DNA sequence variation, Mol. Biol. Evol. 7, 377–394.
  • Ruttner F. (1988) Biogeography and Taxonomy of Honeybees, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Ruttner F. (1992) Naturgeschichte der Honigbienen, Ehrenwirth Verlag, Münich, Germany.
  • Bouga et al.Saiki R., Gelfand D.H., Stoffel S., Scharf S.J., Higuchi R., Horn G.T., Mullis K.B., Erlich H.A.(1988) Primer directed enzymatic amplification of DNA with thermostable DNA polymerase, Science 239, 487–491.
  • Maria Bouga, Paschalis C. Harizanis, George Kilias and Stamatis Alahiotis. Genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships of honey bee Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) populations from Greece and Cyprus using PCR - RFLP analysis of three mtDNA segments. Apidologie 36 (2005) 335-344. Resumen
  • Sheppard W.S., Arias M.C., Grech A., Meixner M.D. (1997) Apis mellifera ruttneri, a new honey bee subspecies from Malta, Apidologie 28, 287–293.

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